Thursday, September 22, 2011

On the road again.................

After a few weeks in Calgary we are off again.   There was a quick flight to Los Angeles and then a long flight to Fiji.  BULA!! ( I am not too sure what exactly this means in Fijian but I think its hello, how are you, nice day or more likely hello stupid tourist!  HA!) 
This gave us five days to relax and recover from jet lag and to have someone else cook our food again, yeah!  Fiji is a beautiful country, as are the people that live here.  We managed a few days on the beach reading but did manage to catch a bit of culture including a Hindu temple and a Fijian fire walking show.  I was pretty sure I should volunteer as my feet are always cold even in tropical climates, however I was vetoed.  Sigh.  

Ok we are off to New Zealand for a bit of rugby world cup.  We did manage to watch some of the games in Fiji as they are crazy about Rugby here.  So at least we will know a bit when we see the All Blacks kick Canada's butt on October 2.

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